Preparing for College

Since I started high school, my family and I would visit colleges local to the areas that we visited. We would sometimes explore the campus ourselves, or we would take walking tours. Both my parents have master’s degrees, and are always instilling the importance of education to my brother and I. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been taking virtual tours.  

Once accepted, I expect the next few years to be challenging and require a lot of hard work. However, I am up to the challenges and willing to persevere. I look forward to college, meeting new people, and experiencing a different atmosphere away from home.

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Univ. of Oregon

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Colorado State Univ.

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Stanford Univ.

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Univ. of Santa Barbara

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Univ. of Washington

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Univ. of Wyoming

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Univ. of Colorado

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Santa Cruz


Rembering Kobe Bryant

While spending time in L.A. with my uncle in February 2020, we took the time to remember Kobe Bryant, his family, and the others that had passed away on January 26, 2020. Kobe Bryant was such a memorable athlete because of his determination and work ethic. As Jay Williams recalled Kobe Bryant telling him, “I saw you come in and I wanted you to know that it doesn’t matter how hard you work. I’m willing to work harder than you.”